Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rural Athletics Day 2020!

 Last week was full of fun and action, with the Matawai School Ag Day (pet’s day) and the Rural Athletics Day. Meaning, that we only had 3 days of learning in the classrooms and the last 2 days of the week (Thursday and Friday) away at events. Both days were really fun, however I think (despite all of the cute animals) Athletics day was my favourite. 

When we arrived at the Rural Athletics, we meet up with all of the teachers and classmates. Then we went and practised some of the activities (high jump, long jump, shot put, running and discus) however I only practised high jump and long jump before the races. Afterwards, we were called together to sit in our age groups and listen up for the start of the day. 

The lady in charge called everyone to there places and the day had begun. Firstly, the Yr 7’s where called to do high jump, which I really enjoyed! I had only ever jumped 1m 10cm however on the day I managed to jump 1m 25cm! Which I was really proud of! My friend Jaimee managed to jump 1m 27cm and she won first place by only 2cm, so I came second. So the 3 Matawai girls came 1st, 2nd, 3rd! (Jaimee 1st, Me/Hayley 2nd and Rylee 3rd)

Next, we rotated around the field to shot put. However, my 2 chances were throws, so I didn’t place! But, my strongest point isn’t shot put or discus, my strengths are running and long jump, so I just had to remind myself that I can’t be good at everything. 

After waiting, for the other Yr 7 girls and boys we rotated onto long jump. Abby (a girl from another school went first,) followed by Rylee (my friend from Matawai) Jaimee (another on of my friends) myself, and then 3 other Yr 7 girls. On my first jump I jumped 3m 42cm  and on my 2nd go I jumped 3m, 64cm, so the second time I jumped 20cm more.

Rotating around the field after that we moved onto discus, which was really clogged up and we had to wait 45 MINUTES!! And it was around lunchtime/mid day, so it was really hot and there was hardly any shade. And before was came to the discus the Yr 8’s had been waiting and they had been waiting almost an 1 hour. So, when it was finally our turn, I threw a total of 11m, 34cm. Which I was pretty proud of considering that discus and shot put aren’t my strong point. 

Finally the field events were over and it was lunch time, so after I ate my lunch my amazing friend Rylee brought me a Juicy ice block. After that however, we had the track and relay races. So, we lined back up in our age groups and waited for the start of the runners. First event was the 60m sprint. We lined up and GO!! I ran as fast as I could go, and came first!! Next was the 200m (running once around the oval) and once again came first. 

Then the last running race was the 600m (running 3 times around the oval) and once again came first! I was super proud of myself. 

Lastly, we were onto the last part of the day which was the relay races. I was the first relay runner, followed by Blake, Liana and Charlie (kids in my class) And surprise!! We came first once again! I was really proud of my relay runner group and we did really good!

Overall, I had a great day and can’t wait for next years Athletics Day! 

(Places: 1st: 60m, 1st: 200m, 1st: 600m, 1st: Long jump, 2nd: High jump, and 3rd: Discus)

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