Thursday 7 May 2020

1950's Interveiw

Mrs Bennett set the writing task of interviewing a Grandparent. So, that's exactly what I did and here it is...
Interviewing My Nan -

Year I was born -
Where - Wellington, NZ

School -
Memories -

“I remember learning to sing with the words written up on the blackboard and the teacher would
play the guitar.”
“Listening to the Government radio program which taught us songs.”
“Standing next to my desk, saying my times tables”
“The School fair”
“Heavy School bags with LOTS of textbooks”
“Not being able to go to school because the River flooded the footbridge which you had to
cross to get to school.”
Morning show and tell, singing the national anthem on a Monday Morning at school assembly. 
“If the weather was nice we would play outside and if it was raining we would play in the library”
“The disgusting smell of the Highschool toilets, they smelt phenol and like cigarettes”
“ Using grey leads and drawing margins on our pages with a pink pencil”
“Using nibbed pens for ink” 
“We had little ink pots on our desks” 
“Being the SRC (Student Rep Council)”
 “Going to school on the bus walking 30mins. First 4 years high walk 5km to bus stop.
" I Enjoyed school."   
“Jumping in the freezing cold pool”
“In Primary School at Kingsville we watched Neil Armstrong on the School TV”
“Making a little wood puppet in Art class” 

Schools - 
Primary -
Ohio Bay School near Wellington up to Grade 4
Kingsville Primary School near Melbourne Grade 5 and 6
Highschool -
Foots Grey Ladies College Form 1
Bacchus marsh High School Form 2 to 6

Uniform -
Winter Uniform - Wool chunic, long socks, black shoes, shirt and tie and a wool jumper.
Summer Uniform - Summer cotton frock, short socks.
“The first time I wore trousers was the last 2 years of Highschool. 

Sports - 
“I remember playing games and doing Gymnastics, I remember playing on the school oval
with my friends and a game I remember was ‘What’s the time Mrs Wolf’.” “I was sports captain
of the Athletics and the Swimming Team” 
“Played Softball against other High Schools”
Teachers -
Mr McKenny, Grade 4 teacher “He was absolutely wonderful he was a teacher at Ohio Bay
School near Wellington”
“In Australia Mr Little (chubby and short)”
Mr Nunnon, I didn’t get along with him
Some teachers don’t get respected and others do. 

School Camps - 
“My first School camp was in 1971 at a Victorian Ski Field. 
“In 1975, we went to Swan Hill.”

Subjects I enjoyed - 
“In Highschool I enjoyed English/Literacy, Art, Sewing, Cooking/Home Economics.
Even though I wasn’t very good at Maths I still enjoyed learning it” 

Favourite Singer/Band -
John Farnham
How did you listen the Music -
On the TV and radio

Technology at Home - 

World Events -
Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon
Collapse of the West Gate Bridge Melbourne

Favourite TV Shows -
Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men
Andy Pandy
Get Smart
The Ponderosa
My Favourite Martian 
Young Talent Time
Walt Disney 

Fashion -
Sunday hat for Sunday School
White Gym Shorts and T - Shirt and White canvas sneakers
Pant suits for Girls
Platform shoes
Many skirts
Tank tops
Skimpy Bikinis
Witch’s Britches 
Polo Tops 
Hippy skirts

Father - Coach Builder for Rolls Royce, Carpenter making caravans, boats and house
Mother - Personal Assistant and Private Secretary
She was the first women to wear trousers and a mini skirt in public in NZ.  


  1. Hi Hayley,

    I love listening to people talk about a different time in life. I especially love hearing elderly people (far older than your Nan) tell stories, life was much harder in their day but so much simpler than our busy lives we lead today.

    Mrs Allan

    1. Hi Mrs Allan,
      Thanks for the feedback! Your certainly right, life was much harder in their day but so much simpler than our busy lives now.
      Thanks again
      Stay safe and well,

  2. Hi Hayley
    Who had the most fun with this or Nan? I bet she loved chatting with you and reminiscing about years gone by!
    Isn't it fascinating to think that girls were not allowed to wear trousers until 1975...havn't times people can wear whatever they feel like! I am dying to know what 'witches britches' are. I will google those in a second and hope to find an image.
    I see Nan was captain of athletics and swimming teams...perhaps that's where you get your lovely running style from.
    Great work on completing this task Hayley.
    Mrs Bennett

    1. Hi Mrs Bennett,
      I don't know who had the best time with this interview. We both had a good laugh! Life has changed a lot, it would be so different not being able to wear trousers.

      Yes, maybe that's where I get my running style from although I think I am a little more on my Dad's side of the family because he was a runner and represented Australia in running he also did heaps of competitions in Mountain biking.
      Stay safe and well,
      Hayley :D

  3. Hi Hayley
    This is a great interview with lots of information I can relate to. When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon many families including mine did not even have TV. I remember we listened to the live broadcast of his first steps on the moon on the school radio. Mrs Bayley


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about