Monday 30 September 2019

Rich vs Poor

After creating our Rugby World Cup animations in class, I once again decided to create another animation at home. This animation is about a poor lady and a rich man. The rich man brags about being rich then drives off in his sports car and ends up crashing. The impact of the crash makes the money bags/sacks spill out of the car. The poor lady collects the money and buys a new car and a mansion for herself, in the end, the rich man then became poor and the once poor lady became rich. If you want to know how many slides I used to make this animation then I will tell you now . . . 186 slides. I hope you enjoy watching my animation.
Ma Te Wa

Saturday 28 September 2019

Animation - A Butterflies Journey

After creating Rugby World Cup animations in class with our cybersmart teacher Mrs Torrie, I was inspired to create another animation at home. I made this animation using 95 slides, Here this butterfly flies through the jungle over beaches and so on . . .
I hope that you have enjoyed my blog post,
See you next time!

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Argentina Animation

Today I was learning how to create an animation, and publishing slides to the web.
I enjoyed creating and watching my character slowly move across the page.
I found it challenging to not make too many moves at once.
My digital learning object shows that I understand how to create an animation.
Next time I would change the way I showed my character playing in the rugby world cup in RWC, I would also try and make it a bit more creative.
This blog post shows that I am a Stepping - Up Blogger.

Sizzle, Pop, Crackle Cooking!

Every Wednesday in the afternoons our class goes to either cooking, sewing or woodwork TECH. We rotate to a different TECH each term, this term I was in cooking with the other year 6's in my class along with with my teacher . . . Mrs Bennett! This term, we have so far created . . . Cinnamon scrolls, sausage rolls, pizza, Louise slice, Winter pesto tomato sauce pasta, Crunchy Lemon muffins, Double chocolate muffins, banana chocolate chip muffins, Potatoe curry with chapatis, corn and bacon fritters and bread-based pies, Banana Choc-chip pancakes and Nachos. I find it interesting and fun learning new skills like knife skills/cutting skills, baking, pancake-flipping skills ovens skills and using the elements . . . I find that the recipes are sometimes really different from what we cook at home as a family. Here are some videos and photo's of me at TECH!
                                                            Here is us making Curry!
Here we made sausage rolls 

At sewing TECH with Anne Tohill, we had to pass our sewing licence along with making a stuffed toy the girls made bunnies and the boys made monkeys. I made a pink bunny with white and gold spots! It's so cute. When we go back to sewing next term we will be finishing off our moccasins. Here is a picture of my bunny and I . . .

I hope you enjoyed reading my latest blog post!
Ma Te Wa,
Hayley :)

Monday 23 September 2019

Argentina Animation!

Today I was learning how to create an animation and how to publish a deck of slides to the web and then onto my blog.

I enjoyed creating my animation and watching my character slowly move across the page.

I found it challenging to make my mascot/character take small movements across the page without making the movements massive . . .

My digital learning object shows that I understand how to publish a deck of slides to the web and onto my blogs as well as creating an animation.

Next time I would change my slides by making them more creative and change my theme.

Here is my work . . .

Monday 16 September 2019

Monday 2 September 2019


Today I was learning how to polyline shapes and images, I found it challenging, but still gave it a go and didn't give up.
I enjoyed creating and learning something new, like every week.
I found it challenging to use the polyline around images.
My digital learning object shows that I understand how to use polyline correctly.
Next time I would change what country I choose because then I could choose another animal for my mascot, a different flower and a different flag (I could change my country theme)
I hope you enjoyed this blog post along with any other future blog posts.
This blog post shows that I am a Stepping - Up blogger

Visiting Eels

After lunch or Tuesday Mrs Bennett, Mrs Gault and all of the students from Rm 4, went to the Hustlers to feed and observe some Longfin Eels. 
When we came back from feeding the eels we wrote about the Longfin Eels, I wrote a poem. 
Here is my poem :

Silently searching in the murky waters below, 
Are a group of hungry eels swiftly swimming aside the earth banks,
Gulp! They have had their feed, 
back to the silty mud tunnels they go.

Teasing the eels, 
Urging them to come closer, 
 as the eels reveal themselves from underneath,
Sees us weird creatures, 
And disappears once again back to it’s peaceful home.

Swimming along the moist earth banks,
 covered with rocks, overhanging trees and lush harakeke,
Are eels tugging on tender meat.

Quietly lurking beneath the bitter waters, 
Hunting for precious food,
Snap! Delicious!

Prowling beneath peaceful waters,
Eels slithering from underneath,
Tangled together,
Fighting for the meat.

By Hayley