Saturday 25 April 2020

Autumn Acrostic Poem

About a week ago I wrote an Autumn Acrostic Poem. Here it is -

A = Acorns fall like missiles from broad tree branches  
U =  Umber leaves raked into a pile
T = Tranquil waters descend to lower temperatures 
U = Unfallen leaves ready to drop when a bitter gust of wind blows
M = March the 20th is here again, Autumn blows in
N = Next year the same will happen again!

Have you written a Acrostic Poem before? 


  1. Hi Hayley
    What a great effort with your poem. I love the word 'Umber', I think that is a great word to describe the shade of brown you see on many autumn leaves.
    You have painted a lovely picture in my head, of the rich autumn colours and cool autumn winds. Well done
    Mrs Bennett

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mrs Bennett,
      Thanks for the feedback
      Stay safe and well

  2. Hi Hayley,
    Acrostics are a relaxed way to use vivd language do you find? I also like the word 'umber', which I learned when I was doing water colour painting with Room 3! I think we are fortunate so far this autumn to have not had many 'bitter wind gusts.'. Mind you, that is at Otoko. It might be different at Motu! Well done on your home learning Hayley.
    Mrs Shaw

    1. Hi Mrs Shaw,
      Yes, acrostic poems are a relaxed way to use vivid language. Here in Motu it's like Autumn hasn't even arrived, we have only had a few bitter frosts but they turn out to be cracker days! This sound crazy but, Tim and I went for a swim in the river the other day. It was freezing, but fun. Lately we have been riding our bikes down to our secret river spot, we take the dog too. Which I will of course keep our river spot a secret. Then once we are at the river we will have a swim our dog Pip used to hate water and swimming but now she loves it she launches into it.
      What have you been up to?
      Stay safe and well
      Ma Te Wa
      Hayley :)

    2. Hi Hayley,
      How wonderful you are swimming in a secret spot! What a great story that would make-maybe something could happen while you are on an adventure with Pip? Made up of course! I am busy preparing learning activities, walking, gardening and looking after Richie our dog who had a to have a toe removed due to broken bones after a bull clipped him. He is weight bearing again, so happier. I love that word 'launches'.
      Mrs Shaw

  3. Hi Hayley

    You have painted a clear picture of autumn in my mind of what autumn is like in Motu. I love acorn trees and wish we had one but after your line 'acorns fall like missiles' maybe I'm pleased we don't have one!! Like Mrs Shaw commented about bitter wind gusts we down here in Otoko seem to be having warm gusts of wind, but still the leaves keep falling regardless.

    Mrs Allan

    1. Hello Mrs Allan,
      Thanks for the feedback. In my line I said 'acorns fall like missiles' that's because when I went to school in Australia we had a massive acorn tree and it used to drop acorns and leave dents in the ground' "Scary!!!" My friend got hit on the head by one once and she almost got concussion! "Ouch" Yes, it almost seems like autumn hasn't arrived yet. This sound crazy but, Tim and I went for a swim in the river the other day. It was freezing, but fun.

      What have you been up to?
      How is Hamish and Mabel? (Is that how you spell their names?)
      Stay safe and well,
      Ma Te Wa
      Hayley :)


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