Tuesday 21 April 2020

Tin Stilts

Because of the Corona Virus outbreak and being at home in Isolation, my brother and I have been busily creating. A couple of days ago we made a pair of stilts. Here's how we made them. We used 2 tin cans like this one - 

Then we flipped then upside down and drilled 2 holes in the sides. Next we threaded some rope through the holes. I made a diagram below to help you understand the steps -

After walking on them for a while they slowly break so I recommend using Golden/Maple syrup cans because they are stronger. My brother and I made another pair of stilts afterwards using wooden blocks.  


  1. Hi Hayley and Tim
    What a fantastic isolation activity, especially when we are unable to do recycling at the moment and I have tin cans aplenty!
    The video gave such a great visual, I LOVED the sound the tins made as you walked in unison down the road. If I closed my eyes I could visualise a pair of old clydesdale horses clip-clopping along!
    Hayley, I wondered if you remember how to embed the 'we video' on to your blog directly, instead of sharing the link?
    On our class site, under 'blogging', Mrs Torrie has a very useful tutorial you could watch, giving directions on how to embed a video.
    It is lovely to see you and Tim creating together.
    Ma Te Wa
    Mrs Bennett

    1. Hello Mrs Bennett
      The sound reminded me of old clydesdale horses too!

      Thanks for the lovely feedback!

      Yes, I do remember how to embed the We-Video on my blog I will go and fix that up ASAP.

      What have you been up to over this time?

      Ma Te Wa,
      Stay safe and well,
      Hayley :)

  2. Hi Hayley and Tim, You two are having so much fun! What a cool idea. Like Mrs Bennett, I love the sound the tins make on the road! It made me laugh! You could go fast too! Did you practise before you made the video? Haha! I will send the link to my class. It could be a good challenge idea.
    What is up next for you two?

    1. Hello Mrs Shaw,
      I like to sound of the tin cans on the road too!

      Thanks for the feedback.

      Tim practiced before the video because he had never done them before. But, I didn't because when I went to school in Australia (I was 5 at the time) we had stilts like the ones we made.

      We haven't planned anything to create yet, but I am sure it will be a short amount of time before we do!

      Nice hearing from you,
      Stay safe and well!
      Hayley :)

  3. Hi Hayley, I really Liked your stilts I think I should have a go. Maybe you should paint them?
    From Phoebe

    1. Hi Phoebe,
      I am glad that our tin stilts inspired you to make them! Yes, I LOVE the idea of painting them, I will do that later.
      What have you been up to??
      Hayley :)

  4. Hi guys. Hayley here with James. I loved the sound too. It reminded me of the giraffes-at-the-pool video we watched earlier this week. I think we need to eat lots of syrup to get some good tins for our own stilts. From Hayley Redpath.

    1. Hi Mrs Redpath,
      Thanks for the feedback! Giraffes-at-the-pool video???? Never heard of that one. My brother and I used canned tomato and pineapple tins to make ours because we don't buy syrup so we didn't have them cans.

      Nice to hear from you!
      Hayley :)

  5. Hi,
    They look like so much fun.
    I think me and Violet will have to give this ago.
    Bring them to school when we all go back, that would be so much fun.

    From Seth

    1. Hi Seth!
      Thanks for the feedback! They certainly are a lot of fun. I am glad that our stilts inspired you and Violet to have a go!

      Yes, I will consider bringing them to school. Maybe my brother and I could make more so people at lunch times can have a go to!

      Nice hearing from you
      Stay safe and well
      Hayley :)

  6. Hayley, I am just loving how inventive you are being during your time away from school. Who would have thought such fun could be made from essentially just rubbish!
    Mrs Allan

    1. Hi Mrs Allan!
      Thanks for the lovely feedback! Nice to hear from you.
      Stay safe and well,
      Hayley :)


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