Monday 28 December 2020

My Hana Kōkō Design

Today I decided to complete another Summer Learning task, this time the task was about creating our very own Hana Kōkō outfit designs. Hana Kōkō is the Maori Santa. Firstly, we started by reading a small story from a School journal, from there our instructions for the creating side of the task were, to open a new Google Drawing or to use the template below. Then we were instructed to make our own outfit for Santa, based on our surroundings and where we live. I have made a short video for you below and also embedded the Google Drawing. I had a BLAST making this and I hope you enjoy!  

(I was having some problems with embedding my video, however if you tap HERE it will take you to my video on a separate tab) 


  1. Kia ora Hayley,

    Congratulations on your absolutely amazing blog post. I was really impressed with your design and reasons for choosing the items, then you really stepped it up with your screen castify!

    You have put so much thought into how your Maori Santa should look and the reasons for your choices make so much sense for him to be comfortable over here in Aotearoa.

    Have you ever thought of becoming a fashion designer, because you seem to have an eye for design?

    I am so glad you enjoyed this activity and your presentation shows this. Keep up the great work on your Summer Learning Journey.

    Nga mihi
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Bonjour Shannon,

      Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it!

      No, I guess not, I have never been that into styling and fashion! But, you never know where life will take you so... I better be careful of what I say!

      Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
      Enjoy the rest of you holidays! And Happy New Year! Be safe and stay well, do you have any plans for the holidays?

      Mā te wā

    2. Konnichiwa Hayley,

      I don't know yet what I'm doing for the rest of the holidays! I'm visiting my mum and dad on the West Coast currently, but I have to head back home to Dunedin soon to move houses and see my cat! I left him behind to be looked after by a friend but I'm super excited to see him because I'm missing him lots! Do you have any pets? What have you got planned for the rest of your holidays?

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)

    3. Kia Ora Shannon,

      How far are you moving from where you currently are? I moved houses once. It was all of the way overseas though! I used to live in Australia with my family, but I've been in New Zealand for coming up to 5 years.

      I bet your cat is missing you! What's it's name? I have HEAPS of pets because I live on a lifestyle block/farm in the country. We have sheep, goats, chickens, (I used to have 2 horses), and dogs. Well, those are the main animals, I also have 4 goldfish and 2 guinea pigs!

      I don't have a clue what I'm doing for the rest of the holidays! We will probably go to the river on the hot days with our dogs (they love swimming) maybe I will be going to the beach with my family, going fishing on the boat, I really don't know!

      Enjoy your holidays,
      And Happy New Year!

      Mā te wā

    4. Hi Hayley,

      We're only moving about 20 minutes so hopefully it'll be quick and painless! You moved from Australia? That's crazy, I moved from Aussie too! We moved back to NZ about 6 years ago! Where in Aus were you?

      His name is Hoshi. he's black and white and super fluffy! He's also pretty smart, we taught him how to shake hands!

      What're all your pets' names?

      Happy New Year!
      Shannon (SLJ)

    5. Hi Shannon,

      Yes, hopefully it will be quick and painless, moving houses is annoying sometimes! I wish the best of luck with that though!

      How long did you live in Aussie for? I was born in Melbourne and lived in Victoria for the rest of my life (well, why I was living there anyways)Where about's did you move from?

      Awww! Your cat sounds so adorable, and very clever! I have never had a pet cat, have you had him ever since he was a kitten?

      Okay, this list is going to be very long, I have heaps of animals...

      First, the sheep, I have had many pet lambs before, but they are usually dead after 1 year of having them. But that's mostly because Dad shoots them for meat. So, we only have 1 sheep at the moment, it doesn't really have a name so we just call it woolly.

      Next, the goldfish. We have a really big orange one called Greedo, we called him that because he is fat and super greedy.Then their's (or was) Long fin another orange, but he died recently. We called him long fin because of his extra extremely long tail! Then theirs Pearl, a white metallic coloured fish, she got her name from her colour. Then theirs Zip, an orange fish, and he can swim really fast, so that's how he got his name!

      Next, Goats,

      We've had many die, but the ones we currently have are Daisy, Clover, Bluebell, Coco, Chutney, Pickles, Nutmeg, Barry, Gary, Oscar, Lily and then the 3 newest little kids - Peg, Pebbles and Penny! I think that's it!

      Dogs - We have 2 their names are Pip and Cindy. They are both just little dogs, Pip (4 legs, has great personality, and in general, a dog) Cindy,(3 ,legs, great personality etc)

      The guinea pigs don't really have names and neither do the chickens although the Rooster's name is George and one of the chickens is called Spook (because of her eyes)And the 2 horses I used to have were Edelman, who's Father was in a Movie and Ernie a naughty, cheeky little pony! I have had many others that have passed including recent and old (like animals we had in Aussie)

      Sorry about this being so long! It has been great talking to you!
      I hope you have a Happy New Year! Enjoy the rest of the Summer Holidays!

      P.S - Your my favourite SLJ commenter, shh don't tell the rest!

      Mā te wā

    6. Hi Hayley!

      My friend has kindly offered to help me move which is nice so I'll have a helping hand which is amazing!

      I moved from Christchurch to the Gold Coast in Australia when I was 8 and I lived there for 10 years before my whole family moved back. I came back to go to university in Dunedin :)

      Yes, I adopted Hoshi from the SPCA with my brother and sister when he was a little kitten! We've had him for two years now and he's so loveable. I just got back to Dunedin from holiday on Sunday and he hasn't really left my side since I got back because he missed me. He's even been sleeping under my blankets at night with his head on a pillow! It's super cute!

      My dad had some sheep too, my little sister named all four of them, but my dad used them for meat too. Woolly is a cool sheep name!

      I like your fish names! We used to have fish too, they were called Mildred and Bob. My mum named them after a TV show she liked.

      That's a lot of goats with some incredible names. Which is your favourite?

      Have you had both your dogs since they were puppies?

      How was your New Years? Did you do anything exciting? And how was your Christmas? What did you get up to?

      I look forward to your reply!!!

      Shannon (SLJ)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about