Monday 21 December 2020

Te Reo Maori - What Are You Doing Today?

Another task from the Summer Learning Journey that I chose to complete today was 'What are You Doing Today?' For this task we were provided with a Google Slide that had small activities on each slide, to help us understand the words, what are you doing today? in Te Reo Maori. Firstly, we had listen to a quick clip then arrange the words to make the sentence, and so on... Here is the slide, so that you can look at my work...

And here is my Step It Up work...
We had to draw a picture relating to the work above, what's your favourite thing to do at the playground?


  1. Mōrena Hayley, my name is Elle and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Great work on practicing your te reo Māori! You have done very well! I think it’s great that you chose the playground, papa tākaro, as your activity. What is your favourite place to play on in the playground? Mine are the swings, because I like to see how high I can go!

    Looking back at the create section for the task, it includes another component under create - to draw a picture of you and your whānau doing the activity you chose in slide five, papa tākaro. It would be awesome if you could complete this part too, so I can see your great art skills!

    Here is an example of a cool drawing that Kayla has done: check out slide seven to have a look.

    Ka pai and I can’t wait to see what you draw!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Bonjour Elle,

      Thanks for the feedback! Sorry that I haven't replied in a while I've been quite busy! But I really appreciate the feedback!

      I like the swings too! They are super fun, but I also like the circle monkey bars that swing around. I have no idea what they are called, I find basically everything fun, especially when I can play with my friends or brother on them!

      Okay, I will try and complete the picture as soon as I can, I mean, straight after this!

      I hope you enjoy the rest of you holidays! Got any plans?
      Oh, and Happy New Year!

      Mā te wā

    2. Guten tag Hayley, it is wonderful to hear back from you!

      You are most welcome, and no need to apologise - the holidays are a busy time! I hope you’ve been having lots of fun and had a great Christmas.

      Yes, I know what you’re talking about! I don’t know the name either unfortunately! They are heaps of fun, but I find them a challenge to hang on to! It definitely tests my upper body strength haha! I’m so glad to hear that you have such a good time no matter what you do at the playground - I agree, good company makes pretty much anything enjoyable!

      Thanks Hayley, I look forward to seeing your drawing and giving you some points for your awesome activity! Make sure to let me know in the comments when you’ve uploaded it!

      That is a great question! I am going to go camping with my friends to celebrate the new year! Hopefully we can find somewhere nice by the river so we can toast some marshmallows on a campfire and go swimming! Do you have any plans for this summer?

      Happy New Year!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)

    3. Kia Ora Elle,

      Just a question, what country does "Guten tag" come from? I have never heard of that greeting, it sounds interesting!

      Thanks for replying back so soon, those round monkey bars definitely test you upper body strength, for sure!

      I've uploaded the picture, I didn't have a lot of time so, it's not amazing! I hope you ad your friends have a great camping trip! It sounds like fun! I'm not 100% sure of what I'm doing for the holidays, we might go camping as a family, go to the river, spend time with the animals on the farm, I really don't know!

      Anyways, nice to hear from you again!

      Mā te wā

    4. Mōrena Hayley,

      Good question - Guten tag is a greeting in German! It’s very versatile, because it means both hello, good day and good afternoon.

      You are most welcome, thank you for your awesome replies!

      I think your picture is amazing - I especially like the trees in the background because the leaves have such a realistic texture! Ka pai!

      Thank you very much, hopefully the weather is nice for it! Otherwise we might have to camp inside by building a blanket fort instead and watch movies (although that actually sounds like lots of fun too).

      Those sound like some great plans! I used to go to Matawai School too when I was growing up, and we spent lots of time with the animals and swimming in the river on our family farm during the summer! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and find lots of relaxing and entertaining things to do!

      Ngā mihi nui and keep up the great work Hayley,
      Elle (SLJ)

    5. Kia Ora Elle,

      Hooray! I learnt something new! Guten tag is German! And it can mean multiple things! And you went to Matawai School!

      Thanks again for your kindness, and you amazing commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it!

      Making a blanket fort and watching movies sounds really fun, in fact anyone of your ideas sound fun! I would be happy to do any!

      I still can't believe you used to go to Matawai School, that's so cool! How many years ago did you go there?

      Anyways, thanks again! Happy New Year and Happy Holidays! Safe travels (if you go anywhere!)

      Thanks Elle! You honestly make my day when you comment on my blog!

      Mā te wā

    6. Tēnā koe Hayley,

      I’m so glad I was able to teach you something new! And you are most welcome, it always makes my day seeing what you guys create, and hearing back from you!

      We ended up camping inside under a blanket fort because it was chilly, but it was still heaps of fun! Especially because we got to eat pizza! What did you do for New Years?

      My last year at Matawai School was 2011, which was ten years ago now and makes me feel very old! I had such an amazing time at Matawai and some of my old teachers are still there - I’m sure you know Mrs Shaw and Mrs Fisher? I actually attended your prize giving in December, because I have cousins who go to Matawai School! I had so much fun watching all of your performances!

      Happy New Year and Happy Holidays! Thank you, and same to you! I thoroughly enjoy hearing back from you and I hope you’re enjoying all of the activities!

      Mā te wā,
      Elle (SLJ)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about