Sunday 29 December 2019

5 Pleasures!

Outdoor Activities such as - Kayaking, Swimming, Fishing, Boating, Snorkelling, Biking, Running, Gardening, Environment work, etc

Travelling - I love travelling to new places on planes, trains, cars, trucks, buses pretty much any transportation. I love trying new activities, cuisine and learning new facts and information to share with my family and friends. Do you like travelling???

Sports - I love, love, love doing fitness and sports! When I am running it makes me feel like I am free and wild! It also gives me a nice feeling and it helps that I am really good at it naturally (I must take after my dad) Do you enjoy sports??? I really enjoy travelling to new places and events to run and do other sports.

Family & Pets - Without my family I would have survived my 11 years of living because they have supported, loved, they buy my needs and clothing etc. My grandparents, parents and siblings are all so AMAZING!!!! My pets and my grandparents pets always make me smile whether it's when I throw the ball for them or they do a somersault they are all so funny!! I especially love celebrating Christmas and special festive seasons with my family and pets. Do like spending time with your family??? How to you celebrate Christmas??? Have you got any pets???

Photography - I am obsessed with photography!!! It makes me feel calm, relaxed and when I get the perfect shot it makes me really happy. I will be posting a blog about my photography soon!
Those are some my five favourite things in life and because I enjoy life so much 

I just couldn't list five of them so here are some more . . .
Art, Cooking, Racing, Camping, Playing the Ukulele and Singing, Driving & Motorbikes, Filming - And I am finally getting better at this because I now have a YouTube channel, hunting, sew and create things, school, reading books, looking after little kids and toddlers (at school the little ones always run up to me and ask for a piggy back or to play with them and sometimes parents will ask me to look after there babies because I take care of them really well), looking after animals (I am a big animal lover) etc. What are some of your favourite things to do???

Happy festive season and happy new year!

Here (below) are some pictures of me doing some of my hobbies . . . 

                                               Me looking after my pets at AG day
                                         My looking after my pets again at AG day


  1. Tēnā koe Hayley,

    You must be a busy person with all of these interests - well done!

    I think that sports are so cool - there are so many different sports to try, my favourite are netball, skiing and swimming have you tried them?
    I also think that travelling is awesome and you can have so many cool experiences while travelling that you can’t get doing anything else! What a cool pleasure/hobbie to have!

    I noticed that you wrote that you love to read books, I also do! My all time favourite books are the Harry Potter series and also the Hunger games series - they are so good! What are your favourite books?

    I’m looking forward to seeing the photos of you doing each of the hobbies/pleasures, keep up the good work!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

  2. Bonjour Charlotte,
    No, I have never played netball or been skiing before but I would love to try them both!!! For the 2020 senior class camp instead of going to Wellington or Anaura Bay we will be going skiing and I just can't wait to try.

    My favourite books are the Harry Potter series, the Roald Dahl and other books like Explorer and The Secret Garden (books that I got for X-mas) that aren't a series. However, it would be hard to list all of my favourite books because I have read sooo many!!!

    Have a GREAT day and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
    Hayley :)


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