Monday 30 December 2019

One Important Letter

Our Prime Minister of New Zealand in Jacinda and the Summer Learning Journey has asked us as one of our tasks to pretend to write a letter to her, that  includes the issue you have chosen, why you have chosen it, and what you would like our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to do about it. Here is what my letter to her would say . . . 

Dear Jacinda,
As our prime minister of New Zealand you are super important! To keeping our countries safe from fights and battles to helping big issues to a minimum. 
However, I am sure that you can help me and New Zealand with this problem about . . . Pollution. New Zealand's sea life is dying and if we keep repeating our stupid actions New Zealand's sea life will all be extinct. Many whales have been pulled or found on coasts and shores of many beaches, full of rubbish. 

But, it's not just rubbish pollution it's light pollution, water pollutionair pollution, solid waste pollution and noise pollution

I have found a website on the internet connected to recycling rubbish called where you simply collect rubbish of a certain brand like yogurt suckies and toothpaste cubes and boxes etc and send the rubbish away and get money for it. The link is above just in case I didn't explain about it very well. Every so once in a while a school event comes up where your school can collect a certain type and send it away to earn money for your school. I have told my principal, Glen (last name - which I am not going to put because I am cyber smart) about it, he says yes but then he just forgets about it and then it never happens, I have reminded him about a couple of times but like again says "Yes" then forgets about it. I am really frustrated at him because that money could go on to help our school, get enough money for a school camp or get us some new equipment. 

My family is helping by slowly reducing the amount of plastic bags, instead we use paper bags that compost into the earth or cotton/material bags that can be used over and over again. We are also helping by not buying as much packaging and instead making pasta and baking treats and biscuits etc. We also have a MASSIVE garden in our backyard. We grow basically every thing we can in our colder climate. We grow . . . Banana's, pineapple, passion fruit, quinces, apples, pears, cherries, cherry plums, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, gooseberries, lemons, cabbage, broccoli, peas, beans, silver beet, beetroot, onions red and brown, herbs, and flowers such as daisies, hibiscus etc and we also make tea out of chamomile flowers and other natural garden material. I couldn't list everything in our garden because I would be here for days and days.  

From Hayley (Last name - I am not going to put because I am cyber smart)

And that (above) is my letter I would write to Jacinda. In her letter I would not put "(Last name - I am not going to put because I am cyber smart)" and I would replace it for our actual real names but for the sake of me putting this on to my blog I will not put them. 

Do you have a garden an what do you grow in it??? 
Is there a issue that you would like to fix in New Zealand or other countries??? 

Image result for jacinda ardern"


  1. Kia Ora Hayley,

    Ka pai on your letter to Jacinda Arden, it is very well thought out and I can tell that this is a subject that you care about.

    I agree! I think that pollution is a very big problem within our country and I think that your idea of sending our rubbish away in exchange for money is a very good idea, and could help encourage those people who aren’t already recycling.

    It is very bad how man-made pollution is starting to affect the animals of our country, but there are many great organisations that are able to help save those animals!

    Wow, your garden must be massive! That is so cool - must be hard work to maintain though! I only have a little herb garden and a couple lemon trees, but I have bought some new gardening tools and hope to start planting many different types of other vegetables!

    I think that if there was any problem I could fix in New Zealand it would also be the pollution, but if I could fix any problem in the world right now it would probably be to help stop the fires happening in Australia!
    If you could help fix any issue in the world what would it be?

    Good work keeping cybersafe throughout your post!

    Mā te wā
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Kia Ora Charlotte,
      How was your New Year? Mine was great, my family and I went to see fireworks for the New Year and we also had a picnic dinner. What did you do?

      I am glad that you also like the idea of rubbish in exchange for rubbish, I just don't get the idea of why my principal doesn't want it. Our School is a Green and Gold Environment School, why wouldn't you want to make it better?

      Yes, our garden is huge and my grandparents who live next door to us have a massive garden as well. I hope that you planting and gardening goes well!!! What plants are you thinking of planting next?

      If I could help any problem in the world I would choose pollution, bush fires in Australia and saving all of the Kangaroo's, Koala's and other animals.
      Happy summer!!!
      Ma Te Wa
      Hayley :)


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Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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