Thursday 19 December 2019

Brave Encounter

My family has been brave. Every member has faced something that needed courage and bravery to get through, for example my family has been brave with, vehicle accidents, braking bones, burns, animals,  internal injures, events like bungee jumping etc .... Today I am going to tell you about a time I had to be VERY brave! It was my 7th birthday and I got a new mountain bike, helmet & riding gear such as gloves, riding T-shirt's and cycling shorts. Dad, Mum & I decided to go for a mountain bike ride, we went on a skinny small cycling track we were riding along when my pedal got stuck on a big tree root, my bike tumbled side ways and I landed in a mine Shaft (which is a massive hole in the ground used in Australia to mine gold) Luckily there were logs across the top, so I only fell about 20m down. I ended up getting a very sore wrist so when we got home Mum & Dad strapped my left hand up. It was a very BRAVE day for me! Image result for shaft mining australia"


  1. Hi Hayley,

    You were definitely very brave that day, falling down a mine shaft must’ve been very scary!
    Mountain biking is a very cool sport - even though it can be dangerous - do you still mountain bike? If yes, whereabouts in New Zealand is your favourite place to mountain bike?

    I like the photo you used in your blog post because I was unsure of what a mine shaft was and it helped me to understand.

    I am very proud of you for being so brave, keep it up!

    Looking forward to your next post.
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte!
      Yes, indeed falling down the mind shaft was very scary. Although I don't seem to remember doing 5 forward flips in the air still attached to my bike while falling. I remember the uneasy felling at the top as my bike started to slide and tumble and then I remember sitting at the bottom of the mine shaft with a sore wrist. Have you ever experienced being brave similar to that??? To be honest I haven't really travelled that far in NZ yet since we haven't lived here for a super long time. My favourite track would have to probably be the Pakihi here in my home town. I haven't been able to ride it with my family lately since there has been many slips but has re-opened for the summer. Where is your home town or the district?? Do you do any mountain biking??? Have you got a favourite riding or walking track??? My favourite walking track is the Whinary Scenic Reserve where my parents work (which I have a blog post about called 'Finding Fred & Hochstetters Frog Find!')
      Ma Te Wa

    2. Hello Hayley,

      Wow that must've been scary for your family to see! I have never experience something quite like that, but I have fallen over and broken the bones in my fingers before - it hurt so much!

      If you could travel to anywhere in New Zealand, where would you go? I think that I would explore some of the beautiful beaches we have here!

      I do not do much mountain biking but I have tried it before, it was very fun! Is mountain biking your favourite sport?

      Thank you for replying!
      Summer Learning Journey


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